Natasha’s Favorite Things
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Fun Food = Happy, Healthy Eaters.
Many times participants in my “Fruit Funshops,” would want to buy my fun tools so that they could enjoy using them at home. I even started including them in the cost of my camp fees. I want to make it easy for you to create your own fun fruits and veggies. On this page you’ll find a number of products I use at home and in the workshops, camps and classes I have taught for almost a decade.
Crinkle Cutter

Buy a big bag of rainbow carrots and cut purple, yellow, white. red and orange “fries.”

In fact, I use my favorite brand of crinkle cutter every day to make rainbow carrot “fries” in the cafe I run. Kids and adults buy our rainbow veggie bags and the boxes that include guacamole or hummus. They say I make it easy for them to eat healthfully and they are happy to pay me to cut their veggies any time! One teachers sent me pictures of her kids eating the boxes as the carpool snack she picked up on her way out of school.
I don’t even mind when people tell me they started out buying the cafe veggie and hummus boxes and now they replicate them at home. As more of a rainbow-eating enthusiast than a capitalist, I am thrilled to hear this!
Veggie Platter
Foundational to your home veggie habit… the veggie platter! Feel free to go to the dollar store and buy one (or more). If you want to order them online, this veggie platter is a good option.
I buy the dollar store ones by the dozen and always have a much-appreciated host gift ready. Of course, I fill the platter with rainbow and/or baby veggies and hummus first!
The Vitamix
A Vitamix is not a blender. It is a lifetime investment in your health. Add up all the other blenders you will ever buy and you will save money purchasing a Vitamix. My husband thought it would be like the treadmill in the basement that became a part of my son’s toy car track. Now he is a convert to the Vitamix fan club. I use it multiple times a day. It will save you time and frustration while providing whole food smoothies, soups, dressings and sauces. No other machine does what the Vitamix does. It is worth it.
Fruit and Veggie Cutters
Next, in the much less expensive category, are fruit and veggie cutters. Use English cucumbers or soup carrot slices to create fun fruit and veggie platters, lollipops, and lunches. You can even roast tofu shapes! When you need healthy food to also be an activity (like when you’re trying to get dinner ready), these fruit and veggie cutters will come to your rescue!

Everything is more fun on a stick!
If you want fruit or veggie lollipops, you’ll need Bamboo Skewers and Lollipop Sticks.

Ready to have fun? Get cutting!