A Community’s Heartbreak, My Article for xojane.com

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Well, it’s been quite a past couple weeks, huh? No recipes or menu plans this week.

I’m dealing with the events of the past 2 weeks through my writing. I’ve been honored to hear from others that they share my views and think that I articulated them in an accurate and compassionate way. I only wish my compassion for Rabbi Freundel’s family could comfort them at this time. I’m afraid they need a lot more than the comfort of our support. Nevertheless, we should never stop providing that support because they have given everything to the Kesher community and it’s the right thing to do.

In addition, I was grateful for the television news/phone break during the last days of Succos. I know Potomac isn’t called “Kesher North” like Kemp Mill, but we have our fair share of former Kesherites/current affiliate members. We walked around to each others houses and found the support we needed.

Communities of former Kesherites from Maryland to Israel have been able to support one another online, but face-to-face interaction, especially in those dazed and confused early days, was irreplaceable.

Click on the xojane logo above or the screen capture of the article below to read about my reaction to Rabbi Barry Freundel’s arrest for voyuerism.

p.s. In the second to last paragraph, the editor cut out part of my sentence, so my thoughts sound a lot harsher than they’re supposed to and the result is an incomplete thought. I’ve been waiting on the change, but wanted to share the article with you in the meantime. Basically, I’m NOT saying all men are jerks. The opposite!

IT HAPPENED TO ME- My Rabbi Was Arrested For Voyeurism - xoJane 2014-10-27 14-11-05

I look forward to hearing your thoughts. As always, I encourage you to participate in any discussions you’d like to on my twitter or facebook pages.