Want your children to gain skills and experience during this difficult time that will make your life a bit easier in the future? Introducing…
Make your Family Dinner Camp!

I’ve made the hard decision to move my first week of cooking camp to an online platform. I’ve been teaching my cooking camp for 4 years now and nothing will replace the in-person experience where children work together cooking, creating art and playing outside. I still hope to have that for my August 10 week camp. In the meantime, June 15-19 will be online and it will be awesome.
Recommended Ages: Entering 3rd grade through 6th grade
Make sure you are subscribed to Jews Eat Veggies to hear about the next session and programs for the summer and beyond.
Camp fee: $195 Discounted sibling rate: $75 each
Online: 2pm-5pm, Monday – Friday, June 15-19.
I may add additional online programming throughout the summer. If you are interested in a particular age group (mommy/daddy and me, teens, adults), week, or subject, please email me at natasha@JewsEatVeggies dot com. You can create your own group for a special afternoon or night event. We can still have a night out with our friends or make food together with distant (even if only socially distant) family and friends.
Virtual cooking camp does obviously require parental supervision. How much will depend on your child’s age, experience and maturity level. However, it will be worth the rewards you will reap for many years to come!
My plan is to provide an ingredient list 7 days before camp begins (so register ASAP!) so you’ll have plenty of time to procure the groceries in whichever way works for you. I will arrange shipping or no-contact delivery of art supplies, fun cooking tools, and any hard to find ingredients.
Every day your child will cook both a dinner and dessert and create an art project. By 5pm you’ll be all set for dinner! Think of it as an organized way to teach your child to cook, without having them feel like someone is telling them what to do. The fun context is important and it is a chance for you to skip meal planning for the week.
I’ll tell you all of the ingredients and equipment you’ll need. Won’t it be nice to know dinner is planned for the week? And your child will be more likely to try new dishes because they cooked it themselves.
Here is all the information you’ll need.
Jews Eat Veggies Camps/Events/Workshops Page
Fun Flyer for Virtual Cooking Camp 2020
Don’t forget to forward this information to any friends and family (no matter where they live) who may be interested.
My mission is to give you the tools you’re looking for to EAT more plants, make easy weeknight dinners, and quick healthy lunches for you and your children. Let’s make sure your children have these tools too!
Let’s learn a forever skill and create fun experiences and memories together during this time. Every decision we make can feel difficult right now. Your child learning to cook dinner for you? That is a no-brainer!
Stay safe and I do hope you can join me.