Because you keep asking…Reboot/Juice Cleanse Final Conclusions!

This is the fourth in a series of four related cleanse posts. See the others here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 In addition, read this: The Ultimate Guide To Doing a Juice Detox or Cleanse from Because you keep asking…Reboot/Juice Cleanse Final Conclusions! So, what’s my final pronouncement/opinion about the Reboot with Joe, …

Vitamix Cleanse! Who wants to Reboot with me?

Vitamix Cleanse! Who wants to Reboot with me?
To Cleanse or not to Cleanse?
If you cleanse, to Eat Food or not to Eat Food?
Detoxing and Cleansing are everywhere. Juice bars are the new cupcake stores and we’re all shelling out $11 for a jar of juice like we used to pay $6 for a coffee drink. Instead of food deliveries, we’re ordering juice deliveries to our homes.