Cooking sophisticated food with the kids!

Cooking sophisticated food with the kids!

We’ve been cooking up a storm over here, as always! I am always trying other bloggers’ recipes but I don’t always remember to tell or show you. See below for a super delicious salad from My son especially loved mixing it. First, he gladly ate the greens covered in roasted garlic dressing (so healthy!!!). Then he decided he would only eat the carrots – as in all of them. So much so that I had to roast more! He was afraid of the beets, which was fine. What was I thinking giving a 2 year old boy something that will stain purple everywhere?! I’m hoping he ingested a couple of the pumpkin seeds with his carrots. Regardless, he got some great antioxidants and immune boosters tonight!

Roasted Vegetable Salad with Garlic Dressing and Toasted Pepitas

by Elizabeth Stark of

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Salad by Brooklyn Supper

This salad was completely delicious, but took a bit of elbow grease to make. It was totally worth it. Warm, filling comfort food that is really a meal in itself.