Healthy Passover Recipes? Yes!

I thought Passover could be difficult being a vegetarian. That was a walk in the park compared to this, my first Pesach as a vegan. I see a lot of quinoa salads in my near future!

Although I will make a few interesting quinoa salads,I’m looking at the week as a great opportunity to incorporate healthy habits that I should follow the rest of the year (maybe I’ll do a little better though…):

1. Stay away from processed vegan foods (like the fake sour cream, cream cheese, and meats)

2. Be adventurous with vegetables!

3. Discover new vegan recipes that work well for family and holiday gatherings.

In addition, I’m excited to try Mayim Bialik’s Passover egg replacer recipe. I’ve been scouring the earth for one! 1 egg = 2 tbsp water + 1 tbsp oil + 2 tsp baking powder

I found this recipe for vegan cream cheese and this one for vegan sour cream, both from Leanne Vogel over at

I was excited to discover that my favorite Susie Fishbein Pesach cookbook actually contains a decent number of vegan recipes. I already love my Nava Atlas Vegan Holiday cookbook (she includes American, Christian and Jewish holidays). Then, of course, there’s the internet!

Here are a few of the resources I’m using for recipes. I’m sure I’ll come up with some of my own recipes during Passover week, which I will dutifully record for next year! In the meantime, I’m using others as a jumping off point.



Please let me know if you make any of these or if you have other fun vegan/healthy recipes I should try.

For additional recipes and Israel/Passover inspiration, click on the links below!

From The Israel Forever Foundation

Israel at Your Seder: Celebrating our Journey to Freedom is an original Passover program written by Dr. Elana Heideman which is available for those looking to incorporate the Israel Connection at their Seder.