Kosher restaurant scandal…and resulting column

See my September 2009 column about the blessings and the curses of kosher restaurants. I ate so well in New York and Chicago this summer. Planning Miami next! In case you didn’t click quickly enough, here is a screen capture of my Rosh Hashanah On Faith blog for I hope everyone is having a …

Check out my “On Faith” blog, a project of Newsweek and

See my Rosh Hashanah personal essay for the On Faith blog, a joint project of Newsweek and And here’s the pdf… A New Mother’s Holiday Vow By Natasha Rosenstock In my single days I would attend multiple classes designed to help me figure out my character flaws and work to make myself a …

A peaceful dream; The Ups and Downs of Pesach Stress Column

I dreamt that Whitney (see previous post) came back to hang out with us. “Us” being her old friends who miss her dearly. She said, “What did you expect? That I’d just leave you? Of course I wouldn’t do that.” In my dream she had her long blond dreads and was full faced with a …