Pre-Yom Kippur fast meal: 2 recipes and 1 tip

Mama Soup

So there is this soup that is the perfect pre and post fast meal. I won’t suggest it for “break fast” because we are all loyal to our bagel break fasts… However, it is the perfect plant-based pre-Yom kippur meal.

Last Minute Yom Kippur Recipes and Tips!

Tomorrow night, Yom Kippur – and a day long fast – begins for many of my readers. What to eat before the fast and what to eat after for “break fast”?
If you don’t yet know what you’re eating before the fast I have the perfect recipe. A split pea lentil soup where all ingredients come from the pantry. Isn’t it exciting to have an easy recipe you can rely on and that you can keep all of the shelf-stable ingredients on hand?