Unbelievable Brownies! Half Healthy, All Insanely Good!

The truth is, making a cake from scratch isn’t a big deal and doesn’t even take much longer than a cake mix. And brownies? Seriously exactly the same as a mix. The other advantage of making a cake or brownies from scratch, particularly brownies (because they’re always chocolate!), is that you can use cacao powder. That’s like cocoa powder before all the antioxidants are stripped from it. Cacao powder can actually have more antioxidants than blueberries! You know that whole, “But chocolate is good for you…” line we’ve been hearing for a few years. It actually can be true. But no, not a milk chocolate bar. Sorry!

Because you keep asking…Reboot/Juice Cleanse Final Conclusions!

This is the fourth in a series of four related cleanse posts. See the others here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 In addition, read this: The Ultimate Guide To Doing a Juice Detox or Cleanse from www.positivehealthwellness.com Because you keep asking…Reboot/Juice Cleanse Final Conclusions! So, what’s my final pronouncement/opinion about the Reboot with Joe, …

Women, Food and Desire -15 Minutes to Feeling like a Super Hero!

Women, Food and Desire-15 Minutes to Feeling like a Super Hero! Give me 15 minutes (including the time to read this blog post!) and I’ll give you back a super hero – YOU! Bet that headline got your attention, huh?! The new book, “Women, Food and Desire,” by Alexandra Jamieson arrived (I think End of …

The Healthy Mama’s recipe for peace, love and health… in the kitchen…and beyond!

When the new year is not (only) about you! My friend overheard her (awesome!) kids telling my daughter how everything I make at my house is healthy (and fun!), so they always know they can have it. Unfortunately, I don’t know if that’s exactly true…I feel like when they say everything at Subway and Whole …

5 Ways to use the Holiday Season to get Healthier and Happier than you were before!

Go into the New Year, having developed healthy habits that will increase your success, health and happiness, forever! Imagine going into January feeling good about yourself, instead of feeling like you need to make drastic declarations and resolutions. I know the usual tips for healthy holidays, such as eating an apple before a holiday party …

Thanksgiving (w/Kids) Made Easy!

Easiest, Healthiest Thanksgiving Menu Ever! Hello, my Healthy Mamas! First, I want to let you guys (and gals – I’m from Chicago – you guys is gender inclusive!) know that the Healthy Family Healthy You book is wrapping up at lightning speed right now! In the next week, my beta readers will have received all …

Cooking sophisticated food with the kids!

Cooking sophisticated food with the kids! We’ve been cooking up a storm over here, as always! I am always trying other bloggers’ recipes but I don’t always remember to tell or show you. See below for a super delicious salad from www.BrooklynSupper.com. My son especially loved mixing it. First, he gladly ate the greens covered …

Revolutionary Menu Planning and KOAB Live!

I love Kosher on a Budget, especially her adorable tag line: Living fruitfully without multiplying your budget. I was already planning to share a recent blog post of hers with you, when I found out she was coming to speak in my community. The talk, “10 Commandments of Saving Money,” was full of useful information, …