Call me a lunatic…or call me for help! Part II!

And now…the fun part! Just say you believe me about all this vegan stuff. What are you supposed to eat?! It’s actually not that hard. I have so many resources. For Part II of the Call me a lunatic…or call me for help! series, I’m going to share some of my favorite cookbooks with you.

Call me a lunatic…or call me for help! Part I


I admit that sometimes I know I sound like a crazy person. Who says dairy products are unhealthy for kids or unnecessary for someone with osteoporosis? Who says (in front of their friend the butcher) that lean turkey is unhealthy? Well…I do!

When You’re Not the Only One Feeding Your Child (New Kveller Blog)

We all have plans for how our children will eat. The other parents will drool with jealousy over the varied and sophisticated palette of our little ones. They’ll run around the playground clutching carrot and celery sticks and turn their nose up at white bread. This works for a while, until your child leaves the house. Then it’s all over.