Entertain the kids using healthy foods! Your Healthy Pesach 2016!

Have a healthy Pesach 2016. If you’re looking for healthy seder entertainment for children, look no further! These fruit and vegetable children’s projects are also great activities for during the entire holiday – a lot better than sitting around eating dry, processed, sugar-filled cakes and cookies. Have a healthy Passover with these activities and ideas.

Your best hostess gift (and way to get kids to eat veggies!) yet!

Many of you know it is my mission to change how we think we have to feed one another. Our friends and family, 95% of the time, will be thrilled when we don’t over-stuff them or give them tempting foods they’d rather avoid. As an example of this, here are the results of my healthy Purim efforts, which are also healthy snack and hostess gift ideas to inspire you, regardless of whether you ever celebrate Purim. And if you do-to help you all year round, not just on Purim. Keep reading!

Happy and Healthy Purim!

Another Purim, another week we are trying to stay healthy around here in the midst of cookie and candy insanity! Lest you still need ideas or just like to see fun stuff – here is a picture of the healthy mishloach manot (using baby fruit and veggies) we gave out last year and a link to the post.

It’s official: “I’m Only Half Crazy”

Have you seen those bumper stickers that say, “I’m only half crazy?” That means that person completed a half marathon (13.1 miles vs. a whole marathon of 26.2 miles). The Miami Marathon and Half Marathon is over; I walked the entire 13.1 miles; so now I’m officially half crazy! Yay!

As many of you know, I have been raising money and training for many months for the Miami Marathon, on behalf of Friendship Circle of Maryland. We were the third largest team, only behind Brooklyn and Miami. As promised by Friendship Circle, the weekend was elegant and inspiring.

No goats were harmed in the writing of this blog post…

What a great way to start off to a healthy new year! I’ve just returned from the Hazon Food Conference, an event I’ve had the pleasure of covering for various Jewish publications 4 times, and then this year, I had the pleasure of presenting my new signature workshop, “Three Secrets to a Healthy Family, and a Healthy You.”

HFHY is in the Joy of Kosher Cookbook Spotlight Today!

I’m thrilled to announce that The Healthy Family, Healthy You Cookbook is today’s Cookbook Spotlight on The Joy of Kosher website!

Get over to Joy of Kosher now and enter to win a free cookbook! Plan a healthy, plant-based, family meal using the three featured recipes from The Healthy Family, Healthy You Cookbook!

You can still save yourself and others Mid-Donut-Week!

  IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT BELOW. KEEP READING! Okay, so we’re not even halfway through Hanukkah and I can’t believe the gluttony! No judgment here; I promise. Everyone who has a party has to serve donuts and latkes, right? And cookies shaped like menorahs and dreidels with food colored sprinkles… Seriously, I’m not giving you a hard …

Post-Thanksgiving, Pre-Chanukah

How was your Thanksgiving?
Were you “good”? Were you “bad”? Did you eat the treats you wanted to for that special day and you’re just fine with that? Did you take my advice for a healthy, enjoyable, holiday?
I can tell you a few conclusions/recommendations that I came to after this Thanksgiving.

Ready? Set? Schedule!

If you looking for a fundraising event that is also inspirational and educational and supports or transforms the health of your community members, talk to me today (even if you aren’t in the DC area).
Supporting your community in a commitment to a healthy lifestyle is priceless!
Are you a…
Raising money for a cause, organization or event?
Show your community you care about them at the same time you provide a fun bonding event with real value and healthy support – and raise needed funds with my easy fundraising formula/event plan.
Email me at Natasha@HealthyFamilyHealthyYou.com to start a conversation about your goals and what would be best for your organization. I will then send you more details and my specific recommendations.

Links Fixed-RSVP Today for Book/Healthy Chaggim Event!

Come to the Party and Healthy Holiday Program! September 20, 2015 7:30-9:00pm, Chabad of Potomac Get your signed Healthy Family, Healthy You books there! or… Get your signed Healthy Family, Healthy You books delivered to your door! (But we’ll miss you terribly at the party!) Healthy menu planning, spiritual and practical preparation for the rest …